Nadia Elmagrabi, MA, is a Psychotherapy-Informed Intuitive Guide who is passionate about helping people actualize their full potential.

One of her superpowers is her ability to hold space and intuitively guide her clients as they traverse the depths of their psyche, searching for what keeps them blocked and unfulfilled. 

She uses Past Life Therapy, Human Design, and Quantum Healing, as well as her 20+ years as a clinical psychotherapist, to expertly guide clients to find the inner gold in the darkness of their unconscious and bring it into the light so they can rejoice in the fullness of their Being. 


Learn to trust your

intuition and spirit.


Step into your




Which path is calling you?


Have you ever dreamed of having a User's Manual for your life?

There is one, and it's called Human Design! And it's not just a user's manual for everyone's life — it's specifically for YOU and your energy!

In this offering, Nadia uses human design to help you tap into your inner knowing and soul guidance. You will better understand how YOU best navigate life and learn how your Soul communicates with you.

Check the link below to purchase!

Dive deeper into your soul-self!

This offering will help you tune into your specific energetic frequency and align with your soul's calling. It consists of three Human Design sessions, where we dig into the different aspects of your chart.

Whatever may be present for you at the time will also be addressed through the lens of human design.

These sessions will further help you navigate your path in a way that aligns with what your soul came here to do.

No longer question which direction you need to go.

In addition to Human Design, this offering will include a Past Life Regression, a safe and gentle process that allows you to transcend time and space to access exactly what you need in this moment for your healing journey.

Learn to listen to the messages from spirit, and use your intuition as your guiding force. You will find that it's all within you, and during this journey, you'll discover the path to embodying your soul's calling.

This stand-alone offering focuses on tapping into your soul's wisdom and higher self to clear what's no longer serving you.

During this experiential session, you will be gently guided to explore a past life that is most relevant to you and your healing journey at this time. Unconscious patterns of behavior, trauma, and dis-ease can be locked away in the psyche and the DNA for generations and over lifetimes. 

When we address the core concern that resides within us, quantum healing can occur. Generational, past-life trauma and dis-ease can be tended to and released. Not only does this form of self-healing address blocks, but it can help us access the inner gold of our soul and connect us to our purpose in this lifetime.


Unsure which path is right for you? We got you!

Book a call on Nadia’s calendar where she can learn more about where you are at, to help you decide on which next steps to take.

As a Psychotherapy-Informed, Intuitive Guide specializing in Past Life Therapy and Human Design, Nadia Elmagrabi, MA, helps women transform their relationships from merely surviving to thriving! She guides them to embody their most authentic selves by releasing what is no longer needed, tapping into their innermost wisdom, and deeply connecting to their soul essence. Nadia holds impeccable space for her clients to confront the deepest and darkest places within themselves. Through Past Life Therapy, Human Design, Quantum Healing, and more, she works with her clients to explore who they are, who they were, and who they are becoming - from a panoramic view. 

Nadia has a master's degree in Humanistic and Clinical Psychotherapy from the Michigan School of Professional Psychology and a certificate for a 3-year training in Adult Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy from the Michigan Psychoanalytic Institute. She has also trained in Past Life Therapy, Human Design, Health Coaching, Intuitive and Shamanic Practices, and other modalities.